
martedì 5 novembre 2019


Esmaspäeval toimus Endla lasteaia, Tallinna Päikesejänku lasteaia ja Linnupesa lasteaia ühine mänguhommik projekti "5 meelt + 1" raames ❤️ Mänguhommikust võtsid osa Endla lasteaia Mesimummu rühm. Täname Endla lasteaia õpetaja Ireenet, Linnupesa lasteaia õpetajat Liisi ja Päikesejänku lasteaia õpetajat Laurat, kes organiseerisid lastele toredaid mänge ja Johnnyt, kes projekti korraldab meie lasteaedadele! 🙂 Vaata kokkuvõtet ühisest mänguhommikust siit:

venerdì 18 ottobre 2019

Trip to Energia Avastukeskus (Tallinna Päikesejänku Lasteaed)

Today we continued with our not formal education trips, to understand better their topic, this time whit the kids from Päikesejänku kindergarten, we went to the Energia avastuskeskus to see a film in the Planetarium after it we also watched the light show offer in the place and finally we saw the rest of the museum.

We thank the teacher Laura for the participation and also to the parents and kids for being part of the project.

mercoledì 16 ottobre 2019

Trip to Harku Ilmjaam (Tallinna Endla Kindergarten)

Today we went to the first trip with the class Mesimuumud from Tallinna Endla Kindergarten to study in a not-formal education their main topic. 

It is the weather, so this morning we went to Ilmjaam keskus, too have a guided class to learn more about it.

We thank the teachers Ireene and Viive for the participation and also to the parents and kids.

sabato 12 ottobre 2019

Trip to Laste Liikluspark (Tallina Linnupesa Lasteaed)

Yesterday 21 kids from Linnupesa kindergarten went to the first non-formal education trip to learn better about their main topic.

We went to safety street class, where the kids learn the principal rules to follow in the streets and then driving cars practicing the theoretical part.

We thank Liis Nõu for her active participation in the project and we hope that the children have a great curiosity and motivation to continue with our project. We also thanks Laste Liikluspark for the great activities that offered to us.

martedì 24 settembre 2019

Kosmos (Tallinna Päikesejänku Lasteaed)

Today in the kindergarten Tallinna Päikesejänku Lasteaed the kids started to learn the main theme that they decided, the cosmos will be the knowledge of which they learn and for them the form in which they will share their experience in the project, through it they will talk about this theme in the TV news. 

We thank Laura Nõu for her active participation in the project and we hope that the children have a great curiosity and motivation to continue with our project.

venerdì 30 agosto 2019

Poster :)

Today we finished our poster, it will be shown to the parents so that the project will be more visible. We will display it in our three kindergartens that are part of the project.

Lastevanemate Nõuso

lunedì 5 agosto 2019

On 30/07 we focused on the poster which is to be presented to the parents mid-August, in order to enthuse them about the project and convince them to have their kids participate.
Liina Sügis will manage the poster to give to the other kindergartens.

Also, we decided:

First trip: September-October
Second and third trip: Exchange of experiences in the other kindergartens (November)
Fourth trip: TV tower (3rd week of January)

We still have to decide the dates of the workshops because the timetables of each kindergarten are not yet clear.

venerdì 19 luglio 2019

On 19/07 we discussed where to go for the final trip, and we decided that it would be a lovely idea for the kids to go to the TV tower as they have a special connection with the final goal of our project, the TV news; it also allows the kids to gain more in-depth information about the media through informal

Also, Jhonatann Calderon will be the person who will contact the place and manage the organization of these trips, as well as contact the bus company.

In our next meeting, we will discuss the dates of the trips and the dates of the workshops that we will do in each kindergarten.

sabato 6 luglio 2019

On 05/07 we met again to speak about the final decision of the topics from each teacher.

- Tallinn Päikesejänku Kindergarten: Cosmos
- Tallinn Linnupesa Kindergarten: Safety Street
- Tallinn Endla Kindergarten: Weather

The topic will be discussed with the kids in August so there could be possible changes of topic, as we believe that in this project the kids have the last word in every important decision.

We also decided to create a small workshop where the kids will explain to the other kids from the other kindergartens the topic that they are working on and the place where they will go.

We also thought to do a final trip with all three classes to make a perfect end to this project.
In total there will be 4 trips.

First trip: (Depending on the topic)
Second and third trip: Exchange of experiences in the other kindergartens
Fourth trip: ????

We are still thinking about where to go for this final trip and we will discuss this in our next meeting.

venerdì 28 giugno 2019

The main focus of our first meeting, on 28/06, was to start planning the project and get to know each other better as well as exchange ideas between the different kindergartens taking part in the project, represented at these meetings by:

- Liina Sügis (Tallinn Endla Kindergarten);
- Liis Vääna (Tallinn Linnupesa Kindergarten); and
- Laura Nõu (Tallinn Päikesejänku Kindergarten).
- Jhonatann Calderon, as coordinator of this project.

During this first meeting, we decided on the possible topics that the kids will enjoy to investigate and prepare to create a TV news - the goal of this project. These topics have been decided by the teacher based on the curriculum the kids will study the next school year, but also topics that will be of real interest to the kids participating in the project.

To have a better and more exciting view of the future final topics, we thought to bring the kids to a special place that will represent the topic and where the kids can have a practical visit and learn in an informal method.

These are the possible topics that the teacher will evaluate and decide what will work better within their group:

Topic Name and Trip Place

Weather - Harku Ilmajaam
Traditional Estonian - Open Air Museum
Safety Street - Traffic Centre
Cosmos - Planetarium
Animals - Zoo
Anatomy - Vääna-Viti Kodu

During our next meeting, we will decide the topic and the places that we will work with.