
venerdì 18 ottobre 2019

Trip to Energia Avastukeskus (Tallinna Päikesejänku Lasteaed)

Today we continued with our not formal education trips, to understand better their topic, this time whit the kids from Päikesejänku kindergarten, we went to the Energia avastuskeskus to see a film in the Planetarium after it we also watched the light show offer in the place and finally we saw the rest of the museum.

We thank the teacher Laura for the participation and also to the parents and kids for being part of the project.

mercoledì 16 ottobre 2019

Trip to Harku Ilmjaam (Tallinna Endla Kindergarten)

Today we went to the first trip with the class Mesimuumud from Tallinna Endla Kindergarten to study in a not-formal education their main topic. 

It is the weather, so this morning we went to Ilmjaam keskus, too have a guided class to learn more about it.

We thank the teachers Ireene and Viive for the participation and also to the parents and kids.

sabato 12 ottobre 2019

Trip to Laste Liikluspark (Tallina Linnupesa Lasteaed)

Yesterday 21 kids from Linnupesa kindergarten went to the first non-formal education trip to learn better about their main topic.

We went to safety street class, where the kids learn the principal rules to follow in the streets and then driving cars practicing the theoretical part.

We thank Liis Nõu for her active participation in the project and we hope that the children have a great curiosity and motivation to continue with our project. We also thanks Laste Liikluspark for the great activities that offered to us.